Help to rebuild our Scouting community in Kirkby, Knowsley, Merseyside
Help us get Scouting back off the ground for the young people of Kirkby following the Coronavirus Pandemic
Get in touch to find out more or volunteer now

About Us

Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development,
empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Here at the 1st Kirkby Scout Group we are building up a community to support the activities that we provide to our youth members.

We hold weekly meetings for our Squirrel ScoutsBeaver ScoutsCub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer Scouts, and organise day trips, indoor residentials and camping trips.

All the adults involved in the running of our Scout Group (either with activities, administration or as support from parents) form the Group Scout Council. From this body we nominate and elect an Executive Committee of volunteers to ensure the good health of the Scout Group. Those adult volunteers who are involved in running the programme of activities form the Group Team.

Youth members have a large influence on the activities of the Scout Group. Through youth forums the leaders ensure that each young person has the opportunity to express which activities they like, dislike, and would like to try. This is combined with programme planning by the adult leaders to ensure a balanced programme of activities is run.

We are fortunate to have our own dedicated meeting hall: the Kirkby Scout Centre, part of the Kirkby Parish Hall.